blink dog pathfinderShreyas Pracharak Sabha

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For each 5 feet of solid material you walk through, there is a 50% chance that you become material. Likewise, your own attacks have a 20% miss chance, since you sometimes go ethereal just as you are about to strike.Force effects and abjurations affect you normally. If the attack is capable of striking ethereal creatures, the miss chance is only 20% (for concealment). Blink has several effects, as follows.While blinking, you can step through (but not see through) solid objects. Yes, normally this wouldn't be possible because said creature is a "magical beast/animal" but I don't see why one particular Blink Dog might not be partnered with (rather than owned and trained) by a scion of nature such as Druids and Rangers. Through their myths and folklore, blink dogs have names for constellations, and through this zodiac they note the seasons, births under auspicious stars, and omens from unusual stellar conjunctions. In some packs, the sage is the alpha’s mate, while in others the sage is always a gray-muzzled elder hound beyond breeding age.Blink dogs stand nearly 3 feet at the shoulder and weigh upward of 180 pounds. As social creatures, blink dogs travel in large packs, roaming forests and plains, running off evil creatures, and hunting for phase spiders—one of their natural enemies.
Despite their intelligence and friendly natures, blink dogs tend to avoid humanoids, keeping their packs either hidden or frequently on the move. Blink Dog At first glance, blink dogs seem to be little more than long-eared, bearded canines with tawny coats. You interact with ethereal creatures roughly the same way you interact with material ones.You “blink” quickly back and forth between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane and look as though you’re winking in and out of reality at random.

An ethereal creature can’t attack material creatures, and spells you cast while ethereal affect only other ethereal things. Riders are not able to blink with them.

If this occurs, you are shunted off to the nearest open space and take 1d6 points of damage per 5 feet so traveled.You take only half damage from falling, since you fall only while you are material.Any individually targeted spell has a 50% chance to fail against you while you’re blinking unless your attacker can target invisible, ethereal creatures. They are also found on the First World. This sleek canine has a coarse, tawny coat, pointed ears, and pale eyes. They can live up to 75 years. They can live up to 75 years.

Blink dog names often contain a reference to a specific constellation under which the dog was born. They can live up to 75 years. A faint blue nimbus seems to dance upon its fur.Though they resemble sleek, long-eared canines, blink dogs are as smart as humans. Yet their intelligent eyes and the blue nimbus of energy that dances across their fur hint at not only the blink dog's inherent intelligence, but also of their connection to the occult energies and mysteries that hide beyond the sight of the untrained eye. They use their abilities to quickly surround prey, and make use of flanking to deal with especially dangerous opponents—particularly creatures like phase spiders.Blink dogs are fiercely loyal, defending their own pack or creatures they befriend to the death, and maintaining oaths handed down from litter to litter. Some valiant, honorable, smaller-size knights use blink dogs as mounts. Honor is paramount to blink dogs, and different packs often have unique traditions (such as whether a pack’s alpha is male or female, or an oath to always protect and aid a particular humanoid race like elves or half lings) in addition to those shared by most blink dogs. Blink dogs stand nearly 3 feet at the shoulder and weigh upward of 180 pounds. They can live up to 75 years.
Physical attacks against you have a 50% miss chance, and the Blind-Fight feat doesn’t help opponents, since you’re ethereal and not merely invisible . Blink dogs are fascinated by the myths associated with their own zodiac, which they use for astrologically assessing births and seeing omens.. References ↑ Wolfgang Baur et al. Blink dog names often contain a reference to a specific constellation under which the dog was born.

They are can blink between the Material Plane and Ethereal Plane.

Since you spend about half your time on the Ethereal Plane, you can see and even attack ethereal creatures. Blink dogs are intelligent magical beasts that resemble dogs. Blink dogs stand nearly 3 feet at the shoulder and weigh upward of 180 pounds. Blink dogs have some degree of culture, including their own zodiac. Your own spells have a 20% chance to activate just as you go ethereal, in which case they typically do not affect the Material Plane (but they might affect targets on the Ethereal Plane).An ethereal creature can see and hear the Material Plane, but everything looks gray and insubstantial. This blink dog often has sorcerer levels (typically with the celestial or destined bloodline) and is charged with maintaining the long-running oral histories of the pack, which extend back for centuries and link the packs together.

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blink dog pathfinder