examples of sentences with furnitureShreyas Pracharak Sabha

examples of sentences with furnituremike gundy mullet 2019

And if you're a word lover, you can class up the joint and maybe even impress a few guests with some detailed knowledge about your stuff! The Word "Furniture" in Example Sentences.

Fine furniture graced the room. These flowing lines are called But the line fun doesn't end here. Often they don’t add meaning to your sentences… 4. parts: examples of chairs: seats Furniture designed for sitting. Furniture in a sentence 1. Whether yours is beautifully antique, handily thrifted, desperately-purchased-when-you-realized-you-had-nothing-to-sit-on, or of any other furniture variety, you have it. CK124246We had a lot of furniture. Statement Examples in Word; A scope statement sometimes differs depending on the project. Adjectives are tricky words.

CK1294433He deals in furniture.

2261163Tom makes furniture. But just as a good belt completes a classy outfit, a piece of furniture is made all the more swank when it has edges that are If you’ve ever been inside a luxurious living or dining room, no doubt you’ve noticed the abundance of nature-oriented details—flowers, plants, even bunches of grapes and pinecones. table Piece of furniture consisting of a level top supported by one or …

CK1252283I ordered new furniture. These two are different from each other but they only shared the same goal for the project and that is, to become a success.

The following countable noun examples will help you to see the difference …

Furniture for young children needs to be indestructible.

in 1900, 4163) in Randolph is noted for its manufacture of Columbus is situated in a fine farming region, and has extensive tanneries, threshingmachine and traction and automobile engine works, structural iron works, tool and machine shops, canneries and In the West, in the 6th and 7th centuries, besides the original functions of their office, archdeacons had certain well-defined rights of visitation and supervision, being responsible for the good order of the lower clergy, the upkeep of ecclesiastical buildings and the safe-guarding of the church The chief industries are the manufacture of railway plant, cloth, wool, soap, shoddy, In that year were excavated dome-tombs, most already rifled but retaining some of their The art of all the area gives evidence of one spirit and common models; in religious representations it shows the same anthropomorphic personification and the same ritual These minute insects are found amongst old books and Other leading manufactures are malt liquors ($21,620,794 in 1905), railway rolling-stock consisting largely of cars ($21,428,227), men's clothing ($18,496,173), planing mill products ($17,725,711), carriages and wagons ($16,096,125), distilled liquors ($15,976,523), rubber and elastic goods ($15,963,603), The principal manufactures are lumber and Among the leading and more distinctive items were printing and publishing ($21,023,855 in 1905); sugar and molasses refining ($ 1 5,74 6, 547 in 1900; figures not published in 1905 because of the industry being in the hands of a single owner); men's clothing (in 1900, $8,609,475, in 1905, $11,246,004); women's clothing (in 1900, $3,258,483, in 1905, $5,705,470); boots and shoes (in 1900, $3,882,655, in 1905, $5,575,927); boot and shoe cut stock (in 1905, $5, 211, 445); malt liquors (in 1900, $7,518,668, in 1905, $6,715,215); confectionery (in 1900, $4,455,184, in 1905, $6,210,023); tobacco products (in 1900, $3,504,603, in 1905, $4,59 2, 698); pianos and organs ($3,670,771 in 1905); other musical instruments and materials (in 1905, $231,780); rubber and elastic goods (in 1900, $3,139,783, in 1905, $2,887,323); steam fittings and heating apparatus (in 1900, $2,876,327, in 1905, $3,354, 020); bottling, Another, Daniel Neal, in 1720, found Boston conversation " as polite as in most of the cities and towns in England, many of their merchants having the advantage of a free conversation with travellers; so that a gentleman from London would almost think himself at home at Boston, when he observes the number of people, their houses, their The finest agricultural land in the United States is near the lake, and there is an immense trade in all grains, fruits, livestock and lumber, and in products such as flour, pork, hides, leather goods, Holland is a grain and fruit shipping centre, and among its manufactures are But some of the most valuable products of the island, as camphor and rattan, are to be found in the upland forests, and the Chinese, whenever they ventured too far in search of these products, fell into ambushes of hill-men who neither gave nor sought quarter, and who regarded a Chinese skull as a specially attractive article of household More than one-fourth of the value of its manufactures is in Quaker Oats and other food preparations; among those of less importance are lumber and planing-mill products, foundry and machineshop products, Among the products are cotton goods (the product value of which in 1905 was 1 4% of the total value of the city's manufactures), foundry and machine-shop products, lumber, patent medicines, confectionery, men's clothing, mattresses, spring-beds and other FRANCOIS FELIX FAURE (1841-1899), President of the French Republic, was born in Paris on the 30th of January 1841, being the son of a small brewing, and the making of machinery, carpets, cigars, Coal, oil, natural gas, clay and iron are found in the vicinity, and among the city's manufactures are iron, steel, glass, The proportion of imports taken from the United States is greatest in foodstuffs, metals and metal manufactures, timber and It has woollen mills, cotton compresses, clothing, Among the larger private establishments there existed in the same year seven breweries, one brandy distillery, two jam, two soap and candle factories, two building and The principal buildings are the town hall, with some ancient The city is situated in an agricultural and cotton-raising region, and has cotton compresses and gins, cotton mills, cotton-seed oil refineries, foundries and machine shops, and Art industries, particularly those which appeal to the luxurious taste of the inhabitants in fitting their houses, such as wall-papers and Its trunk furnishes timber for house-building and Among the manufactures are cut glass, stoves and ranges, kitchen The owners of the expropriated properties are given a term of five months for the removal of their The termites, or " white ants," are exceptionally destructive because of their habit of tunnelling through the softer woods of habitations and Along the coast, much of the virgin forest has been cut away, not only for the creation of cultivated plantations, but to meet the commercial demand for Brazil-wood and Among other manufactures are butter and cheese, canned fruits and vegetables, glass and earthenware, printing and wrapping paper, John Knox's house at the east end of High Street is kept in excellent repair, and contains several articles of It contains the famous Tabulae Iguvinae, and a collection of paintings of the Umbrian school, of Clothing, carriages, pottery, glass, paper and Stinkwood is largely employed in the making of wagons, and is also used for making This was at once followed by an anti-ministerial fusion of the extremists of all parties, including seceders from the government (known as the T C Constitutional party); and when the diet reassembled, the opposition broke into the House by force and wrecked all the Among the city's manufactures are agricultural implements, iron bridges and other structural iron work, watches and watch-cases, steel, engines, safes, locks, cutlery, hardware, wagons, carriages, paving-bricks, The word appears in English in the 18th century, and was first applied to the correct representation, in literature and art, of the manners, dress, It also manufactures agricultural implements, Among its manufactures are agricultural machinery (especially seeding machines) and tools, automobiles, pianos, lawn-mowers, roller-skates, foundry and machine-shop products, The imports include manufactured articles of all kinds, hardware and building materials, earthenware and glassware, There has been some development in the manufacture of agricultural machinery and implements, vehicles, pianos and His house (of red brick, like the other old houses of the town) was restored in 1823 and fitted up with old Very beautiful pieces of ornament of an architectural character are met with, which probably once served as decorations of caskets or other small pieces of The houses of the people contained but little Among manufactures are foundry and machine-shop products, powder, stoves, Antigo is the centre of a good farming and lumbering district, and its manufactures consist principally of lumber,chairs,The timber is specially valued for nigra, the black walnut, is especially noteworthy as a very handsome tree, whose timber is of great value for The staple productions are machinery, railway engines and carriages, steel, tin and bronze wares, pottery, bent and carved wood Ottawa has an important trade in grain and live-stock; soft coal and natural gas are found in the vicinity; the manufactures include flour, windmills, wire-fences, The chief industries are sugar-refining, the manufacture of cement, paper, bamboo and rattan ware, carving in wood and ivory, working in copper and iron, gold-beating and the production of gold, silver and sandal-wood ware, Other important manufactures are iron and steel, slaughtering and meat-packing products, boots and shoes, cigars, Among the other manufactories are flouring and grist mills, planing mills, foundries, and factories for making agricultural implements, United States mail boxes, The principal manufactures are leather goods, Among the other manufactures are food preparations, wooden ware, wagons and carriages, stoves and furnaces, boots and shoes, tobacco and cigars, flour, candy, gloves, bricks, tile and pottery, or, probably, in the United States; its 65 manufactories, with a capital of $4,572,726 and with a product for the year valued at $7,501,720 (39% more than in 1900), produced celluloid and horn work (the manufacture of which is a more important industry here than elsewhere in the United States), celluloid combs, History has been eminently careful to preserve the names and records of the men who chiselled sword With very rare exceptions, the decorative motives of Japanese sword In addition to cash registers, the city's manufactured products include agricultural implements, clay-working machinery, cotton-seed and linseed oil machinery, filters, turbines, railway cars (the large Barney-Smith car works employed 1800 men in 1905), carriages and wagons, sewingmachines (the Davis Sewing Machine Co.), automobiles, clothing, flour, malt liquors, paper, His perfect openness, the notoriety of his bankruptcies and of the seizure of his books and An ample supply of natural gas is utilized by its manufacturing establishments; and among its manufactures are axes, lumber, foundry and machine shop products, It is near the great mineral deposits of Virginia, Tennessee, West Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina; an important distributing point for iron, coal and coke; and has tanneries and lumber mills, iron furnaces, tobacco factories, In the kitchen is the box bed in which the poet was born, and many of the articles of Other manufactures are butter, bread and other bakery products, cotton goods, o% over the value of the factory products in 1900; among its manufactures are tobacco, cigars, chewing tobacco and snuff (value in 1905, $2,879,217), patent medicines (value in 1905, $2,133,198), flour and grist mill products ($1,089,910), men's clothing ($ 8 33, 8 35), and, of less importance, commercial and computing scales and time recorders, chemicals, distilled liquor, beer, fire-alarm apparatus, overalls, agricultural implements, wagons, electrical apparatus, refined oil, sheet metal, paper bags and envelopes, tacks and nails, window glass, glass-ware, clocks, whips and Among its manufactures are foundry and machine-shop products, flour, silk, waggons, shoes, gloves, Among the leading products are those of the furnaces, foundries and machine shops, flour and grist mills, planing mills, creameries, bridge and iron works, publishing houses and a packing house; and brick, tile, pottery, patent medicines, Among the manufactures are toys, There are manufactures of cigars, beer, hats, watches, Among the manufactures of Oneida are wagons, cigars, Syra is the seat of several industries, ship-building, tanneries, flour and cotton mills, rope-walks, factories for confectionery ("Turkish delight"), hats, kerchiefs, Besides the regimental buildings there are a large number of buildings for garrison purposes, such as quarters and offices for general, staff and departmental officers, with the warrant and non-commissioned officers employed under them; the supply depot with abattoir and bakery; the ordnance stores; barrack stores for Almost all industries are represented; chief among them are machine-building, the manufacture of india-rubber, linen, cloth, hardware, chemicals, tobacco, pianos, Other local industries of some importance include smelting, and manufactures of beds, The leading manufacturing industries in 1905, with the product-value of each in this year, were slaughtering and meat-packing ($4,040,162), foundry and machine shop work ($3,146,914), flour and grist milling ($ 2, 79 8, 74 0), lumber manufacturing and planing ($2,519,081), printing and publishing (newspapers and periodicals, $2,097,339 and book and job printing, $1,278,841), car construction and repairing ($1,549,836) - in 1910 there were railway shops here of the Southern Pacific, Pacific Electric, Los Angeles Street, Salt Lake and Santa Fe railways - and the manufacture of confectionery ($953,915), Lesser interests, in the order of importance, with the product value of each in 1905, were: rubber goods ($53,133,020), tanned, curried and finished leather ($33,35 2, 999), in the manufacture of which Massachusetts ranked second among the states; paper and wood pulp' ($32,012,247), in the production of which the state ranked second among the states of the Union; slaughtering and meat packing ($30,253,838); printing and publishing ($33,900,7}8, of which $21,020,237 was the value of newspapers and periodicals); clothing ($21,724,056); electrical machinery, apparatus and supplies ($15,882,216); lumber ($12,636,329); iron and steel, steel works and rolling-mills products ($ 11, 947,73 1; less than in 1900); cordage and twine ($11,173,521), in the manufacture of which Massachusetts was second only to New York; The uses to which the textiles were put were for clothing, These mythological ideas and symbols of the American aborigines were woven in their textiles, painted on their robes and It has therefore a double interest, as the home of the poet, and as a complete example of a German nobleman's house at the beginning of the 19th century, the The town has a fine Renaissance château, well restored in modern times, with good collections of Woollen, cloth, cotton and flax mills, steam flour and saw mills, distilleries and breweries, machinery works, paper mills, Personal property consisting of necessary household Fremont is situated in a good agricultural region; oil and natural gas abound in the vicinity; and the city has various manufactures, including boilers, electro-carbons, cutlery, bricks, agricultural implements, stoves and ranges, safety razors, carriage irons, sash, doors, blinds, At North Fond du Lac, just beyond the city limits, are car-shops of the two last-mentioned railways, and in the city are manufactories of machinery, automobiles, wagons and carriages, awnings, leather, beer, flour, refrigerators, agricultural implements, toys and The principal imports, over 90% being of British origin, are cotton goods, clothing and haberdashery, leather, boots, &c., hardware, sugar, coffee, tea and Escanaba has a water front of 8 m., and is an important centre for the shipment of iron-ore, for which eight large and well-equipped docks are provided - there is an ore-crushing plant here; considerable quantities of lumber and fish are also shipped, and Other products exceeding $1,000,000 in value were: leather ($14, 0 74,397), Milwaukee being second in the manufacture of leather among the cities of the United States; foundry and machine shop products ($10,232,723); iron and steel ($7,010,793); flour and grist-mill products ($6,320,428) slaughtering and meat-packing products ($5,95 8, 5 1 5); men's clothing ($4,759,54 8); boots and shoes ($2,929,405); electrical machinery, apparatus and supplies ($2,257,229); chewing and smoking tobacco ($1,966,930) and cigars and cigarettes ($1,540,019); By day he concealed himself in cupboards or under The manufactures of lace, carpets and curtains, Sugar, malt, hops, beer, mineral waters, glass, porcelain, leather, gloves, Industries include the manufacture of agricultural machinery, spirits, In the manufacture of vehicles, harness, leather, hardwood lumber, wood-working machinery, machine tools, printing ink, soap, pig-iron, malt liquors, whisky, shoes, clothing, cigars and tobacco, Although the legislature had made no provision for In May 1906 a new treasurer entered office, who discovered that many items for Various indictments were found: in the first trial for conspiracy in the making and delivering of Other manufactures include needles, machinery, cigars, soap, hosiery, In the vicinity there are many coal mines, and among the manufactures are bricks, and cigarettes, saddlery and harness, patent medicines and compounds, cotton goods, Both in the town and neighbourhood there are numerous foundries and works for iron, brass, steel and bronze goods, while other manufactures include wire, needles and pins, fish-hooks, machinery, umbrella-frames, thimbles, bits, The industries of Prato embrace the manufacture of woollens (the most important), straw-plaiting, biscuits, hats, macaroni, candles, silk, olive oil, clothing nd The chief are tanning, fellmongery, wool-washing, bacon-curing, flour milling, brewing, iron-founding, brick-making, soap-boiling, the manufacture of pottery, candles, cheese, cigars, snuff, jams, biscuits, jewelry, Most destructive, also, are the termites or white ants, whose ravages are to be seen in the crumbling woodwork and The imports largely consist of railway material, industrial machinery, cotton, woollen and linen textiles and yarns for national factories, hardware, Other important manufactories are flour mills, of which there were over 500 in 1904; iron and steel works, of which there are 7 large establishments, including the immense plant at Monterey; 90 smelters for the reduction of precious metals; tanneries, potteries, and factories for the manufacture of hats, paper, linen, hammocks, harness and saddles, matches, explosives, aerated waters, soap, This board, which is composed of five members appointed by the supreme court for a term of two years, also assesses the taxes on the railways, and on telegraph and telephone lines; for railways the average rate of taxation is assessed on the estimated actual value of the road beds, rolling stock and equipment, and for the telegraph and telephone lines this rate is assessed on the estimated actual value of the poles, wires, instruments, apparatus, office The chief manufactures of the town are artificial flowers and Other important manufactures were Other industries are the making of In addition to the breweries, rum and brandy distilleries, sugar mills and tobacco factories, which are sometimes worked as adjuncts to the plantations, there are many purely urban industries, such as the manufacture of woollen and cotton goods on a large scale, and manufactures of building material and Berlin is a flourishing manufacturing town, and contains a beet sugar refinery, automobile, leather, Other important products were automobiles and sewing machines, hosiery and knit goods, candles, Among the city's manufactures are lumber, Among other prominent industries are the manufacture of cotton and woollen goods, leather, Among the manufactures are flour, carriages, saddlery, canned vegetables, The name is derived from the original duty attached to the office, - that of the custody or guardianship of the fabric and It is a wood most extensively used for From the wood, platters, axe-handles, snow-shoe frames, and dog sledges are made, and it is worked into articles of Its principal industrial establishments are mechanical works (both in the city and at Lundby), saw-mills, dealing with the timber which is brought down the Gota, flour-mills, margarine factories, breweries and distilleries, tobacco works, cotton mills, dyeing and bleaching works (at Levanten in the vicinity), It is a flourishing town, containing shipbuilding yards, and manufactories of mill machinery, agricultural implements, The wood is the hardest and strongest of all the American conifers; it is durable and adapted for construction work or household The imports include wheat, flour, Indian corn, jerked beef (carne secca), lard, bacon, wines and liquors, butter, cheese, conserves of all kinds, coal, cotton, woollen, linen and silk textiles, boots and shoes, earthenand glasswares, railway material, machinery, Rio de Janeiro has manufactures of flour from imported wheat, cotton, woollen and silk textiles, boots and shoes, readymade clothing, It manufactures cotton fabrics, boots and shoes, iron safes and stoves, carriages, Upon Dee's departure the mob, believing him a wizard, broke into his house, and' destroyed a quantity of Carthage is a jobbing centre for a fruit and grain producing region; live-stock (especially harness horses) is raised in the vicinity; and among the city's manufactures are lime, flour, canned fruits, Thus we consecrate a king, a priest, a deacon; a temple or a church and any part of church Personal ornaments and decorations of dwellings, lanaiensis), naio or bastard sandalwood (Myoporum sandwicense) and pua (Olea sandwicensis); of these the koaia furnishes a hard wood suitable for the manufacture of Campeggio's mission failed in its immediate object; but he returned to Rome, where he was received in Consistory on the 28th of November 1519, with the gift from the king of the palace of Cardinal Adriano Castellesi, who had been deposed, and large gifts of money and The industries include ironfounding, cotton and thread-spinning, clothweaving and The cessation of persecution, and consequent gradual elaboration of church There are rock quarries here, and the city manufactures sewing machines, musical instruments, especially pianos, foundry and machine shop products, agricultural implements and Silver, enamel, and indeed almost any material from which Among the products are packed meats, flour, beer, trunks, crackers, candy, paint, ice, paste, cigars, clothing, shoes, mattresses, woven wire beds, The manufactures of the town, chiefly carriages and 1), in which the king is represented in Persian dress, and the goddess to whom he is offering a bowl looks exactly like an Egyptian Isis-Hathor; the inscription mentions the various objects of bronze and gold, engraved work and temple Burlington is the most important manufacturing centre in the state; among its manufactures are sashes, doors and blinds, boxes, The principal exports are wines, cereals, olive-oil, cotton goods, soap, cigarette-paper, The industries include cotton and flax-spinning, and the manufacture of linen cloth, carpets, Here you find articles in the encyclopedia related to housing and The Fox river furnishes about 10,000 h.p., which is largely utilized for the manufacture of paper (of which Appleton is one of the largest producers in the United States), wood-pulp, sulphite fibre, machinery, wire screens, woollen goods, knit goods, In the upper rooms is placed a large collection of Milanese and central Italian ceramics, stuffs, The towns of Cantu, Meda, Lissone and Carugo supply Milanese firms with most of their merchandise, the The chief industries are flax-spinning, rope-making, sugar refining, book printing, wool combing and dyeing, and it also manufactures beer, tobacco and cigars, cotton and woollen stuffs, The city has large cotton, clothing, and knitting mills, and manufactories of cotton-seed oil, tools, machinery, fertilizers and Engines, automobiles, biscuits, glass, pianos, The town is the seat of various industries, the chief products of which are machinery, railway gear, iron wares, tobacco, cigars, paper, sugar, The European, Arabian and East Indian kinds are seldom used for rugs, the skins are chiefly dressed as leather for books and The first supplies the navy with provisions, medicines, J.)

But the rarer and more desireable a wood is, the more expensive it will be to get a whole set of furniture made from it.In the 1700s and 1800s, furniture makers began use veneering in a more artful way to create fancy surfaces in different patterns, like While classic style furniture will often have fancy ball or ring pulls to allow you to open the drawers, modern style furniture of the 20th century usually strives for a more simplified design.

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examples of sentences with furniture